New College program offers students chance to discover their Inner Chef

WHITEHORSE – Starting in January a new Skills for Employment in Culinary Arts program will provide an opportunity for up to 12 students to learn and develop skills and knowledge in a hands-on environment that will help them succeed in a professional kitchen.

The 15 credit program runs from January 5 to March 31 and will cover the basics of meal planning, menu design, nutrition, budgeting, ordering supplies, preparation and presentation, as well as Food Safe, First Aid, and WHMIS certifications. Life and employment skills training throughout the program will leave graduates ready to apply for entry-level kitchen jobs, consider applying to the College’s Culinary Arts certificate program, or simply prepare healthier, more nutritious meals for their family.

Instructors in the program will be Red Seal Chefs Joe Siefert and Lynn Fabio. 

“Both of these chefs bring years of experience and knowledge of the culinary field and are very passionate about what they do.  I know students will be inspired by both of them” said Red Seal chef Gene Batten, who coordinates the Culinary Arts program, and also manages the food service for the College’s Kinnikinnick Kaff and the Hilltop Bistro.

The existing one-year Culinary Arts certificate program accepts a maximum of 15 students each September. It is one of the more popular programs at Yukon College, with applications annually exceeding the places available.

Joel Amos graduated from the Culinary Arts certificate program in 2013. Since then he has found work in the kitchens of the Ramada Hotel, Gold Rush Best Western, and the College. The 34-year-old father of three says the skills he learned help him both at work and at home.

“Having greater confidence in the technical knowledge behind a dish and why certain ingredients go well together helps, but the biggest takeaway is knowing how to prepare your kitchen space to cook efficiently,” said Amos. “Even at home I use what I’ve learned to think ahead, do some prep the day before - every little bit helps when you don’t have a lot of time to actually cook.”

Fellow graduate, Georgette Aisaican, says her expectations going in were blown away by the program.

“Returning to school as an older student I was quite nervous, but the instructors, work hard to make the class fun and inspiring,” said the 40-year-old mother of two. “They are also very supportive and encouraging. I found myself attempting and succeeding at dishes I have never made before, because I knew I had their support.”

For more information on the Skills for Employment in Culinary Arts contact Gabriel Ellis at or 456-8588.  The deadline to apply to the program is December 23.