Federal Residential School Education Credit program EXTENDED

For more information please call First Nations Initiatives at 668-8795 or email fniadmin@yukoncollege.yk.ca.

The federal government’s Residential School Education Credit program, which began in Spring 2014, came with an Oct 31, 2014 application deadline, and a Dec 1, 2014 deadline for invoicing by institutions.

Yukon College has now received official notice that the program has been given an interim court-ordered extension. This means that Yukon College will once again accept and process new redemption forms.

Please bring your forms and photo ID to Ayamdigut campus as soon as possible. Please call us at the number above if you have ANY questions or require help with the application process.

Yukon College will process applications until we receive further notification from Crawford Class Action, the company administering the credit program, regarding revised deadlines. Yukon College will share any information regarding revised deadlines as soon as Crawford Class Action sends notice.