Yukon College student presents at international conference

A Yukon College student presented research on hydro security in a changing climate to an international audience this week. Alexandre Mischler attended the Geological Society of America conference in Vancouver, B.C. to share his contribution to a Yukon Research Centre (YRC) project that is using scientific modeling to determine how climate change is impacting the Whitehorse dam.

Yukon Research Centre is developing a hydrological model funded in partnership with Yukon Energy Corporation, Yukon Geological Survey and Water Resources Branch. This model will be used as a tool for decision-making to ensure future hydrological security. Mischler presented this model at this week’s conference in his role as a student researcher with YRC.

“The experience of working on the glacier this summer and developing hydrological models with experts at the YRC has been invaluable to me and my future prospects,” said Alexandre Mischler, student, Renewable Resources Management Program. “Working with the YRC has allowed me to combine my classroom learning with scientific experience amidst some of the leading scientists in the area of hydrology and climate change”, said Mischler.

Mischler is one of many students who have become involved in research at Yukon College. These students are given access to YRC’s scientific experts like Mischler’s mentor, Dr. Jos Samuel, hydrological modeler. This summer, over 15 students worked at the YRC in the areas of climate change, cold climate innovation, environmental science, society and culture, and technology innovation.

“Yukon College is committed to involving students in research on our path to becoming a northern university”, said Dr. Karen Barnes, President, Yukon College. “We are expanding northern research and innovation as outlined in the College’s strategic plan and involving students every step of the way”, said Barnes.

While it is too early to provide concrete results on the hydro security research, Mischler shared how researchers are evaluating the connection between field observation and hydrological modeling. This opportunity will not only benefit Mischler but will showcase YRC’s work in hydrological modeling to an international audience.

This project is funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and Yukon Energy Corporation. Core funding for the Yukon Research Centre is provided by Government of Yukon’s Departments of Education, and Economic Development.