Yukon College invites public to help plan growing Ayamdigut campus

WHITEHORSE- Yukon College is pleased to announce the Design Your Campus project, a collaborative community planning initiative to build on the success of the Ayamdigut campus and create a new master plan for its future.

“Ayamdigut campus is a community resource. We need the wider Yukon community to be involved in the discussion around the use of this land reserve and our future development,” said Dr. Karen Barnes, Yukon College president.

“With the creation of the land reserve by the Government of Yukon last year, and the Centre for Northern Innovation in Mining building starting construction next year, now is the perfect time to look at our needs and opportunities, and to develop a more compelling campus experience for students, faculty and the broader Yukon community,” added Barnes.

The Design Your Campus project will respond directly to the Yukon College current Strategic Plan directions, including: creating a unique post-secondary model; collaborating with First Nations; engaging Yukon communities; attracting and retaining students; and expanding Northern research and innovation. 

An internationally-renowned team (led by Perkins+Will and integrating Yukon-based architects and designers) will work closely with students, faculty, management, staff, stakeholders, and community members to create a bold new campus vision and a detailed implementation plan.

Yukoners can become involved in the Design Your campus project in the following ways:

• Take part in the Ideas Competition: submit an idea by November 20 for your chance to win prizes
• Attend the Big Ideas Event in the College Kinnikinnick Kaff on November 25 (4-7 p.m.) to share your ideas with the design team and Advisory Committee
Check out the project website at yukoncollege.yk.ca/DYC/.
• Join the email list to receive project updates and notices about future opportunities to provide input.

Over the next year, the highly collaborative Design Your Campus process will involve many opportunities for input. Its success depends upon community participation.


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