Industry and Yukon College team up for Ross River careers program

ROSS RIVER - Selwyn Chihong Mining Ltd., the Yukon Mine Training Association (YMTA), Ross River Dena Council and Yukon College’s Ross River campus have teamed up to deliver an eight week life and career coaching program.

Selwyn Chihong Mining Ltd. is sponsoring the $55,488 cost of the program, with the Ross River Dena Council and Yukon College providing in-kind support. The course is led by Yukon College instructor and YMTA careers coach, Margot Neely.

“Selwyn Chihong is committed to local education and training, to helping our current employees advance in their careers, and to working with community residents to explore their career options,” said Richard Li, Selwyn Chihong Mining Ltd. CEO.

“We are very pleased to be working with the Ross River Dena Council, Yukon College and the YMTA to provide community residents the opportunity to participate in this life skills and career coaching program.  We look forward to continuing to work with community partners in advancing education and training opportunities in advance of potential employment and business opportunities related to the Selwyn Project,” added Li.

“Thanks to the program sponsors, 12 YMTA clients will benefit from this unique training opportunity delivered in their home community,” said Sascha Webber, YMTA Executive Director. “Our coaches work with each program participant to develop a training plan and to explore career options in the mining and related industries.”

“Ross River Dena Council sees this as a very beneficial program for our youth of the community. We strongly believe the program will enhance their skills in all aspects of their lives. Many community members, including elders are getting involved, sharing their skills and knowledge. The students are doing an amazing job. They are seen as very strong role models of the community and we wish them nothing but success,” said Verna Nukon, Ross River Dena Council Deputy Chief.

The program has been spearheaded by staff at Yukon College’s Ross River campus with support from the Centre for Northern Innovation in Mining (CNIM) at Yukon College. It will help up to 12 participants explore their interests, skills, and hidden talents, to focus in on their potential career choices. Class topics include understanding your personality type, communication skills, computer literacy skills, professionalism and ethics, team work, problem solving and decision making, worker rights and responsibilities, health and wellness.

“We are pleased to welcome Selwyn Chihong Mining as the lead sponsor of this program. Along with YMTA and Ross River Dena Council, Selwyn Chihong Mining recognizes that understanding yourself and your talents is key to building a successful career,” said Shelagh Rowles, CNIM Executive Director. “This program will provide participants with the tools and personal insights to better succeed in reaching their future goals.”

The program began October 6 and runs until November 28.