Yukon College O-Week to focus on building community

WHITEHORSE-Orientation week this year at Yukon College Ayamdigut campus is all about providing space to make friends and build community.

Kicking off Tuesday September 2 is a morning of fun, interactive, playful games. Jerry Ewen of Playfair will lead the session that is designed to help students make meaningful connections with one another.

O-week coordinator Monique Benoit experienced Ewen’s particular style of breaking down barriers at a student engagement conference in BC earlier this year.

“Making new friends and feeling included is key to successfully navigating the initial few weeks at a new school or college. Jerry uses humour and physical activity to open up a large group of people in a way that quickly builds connections and community. Thanks to his session, I made a lot of friends at the conference, and knew we had to bring him here to work his magic,” said Benoit.

On Thursday September 4 students can spend time hanging out by the camp fire at Roddy’s Camp, behind the main campus building, and learning traditional knowledge and stories from elder, Randall Tetlichi.

O-week wraps up on Friday September 5 with a Student Pub Night hosted by the Yukon College Student Union at the Towne and Mountain on Main Street from 9:00 p.m. until late.

On Friday September 12, students can celebrate the end of the first full week of classes at the Future Routes Festival, presented by BYTE, Yukon College and the Yukon College Student Union. Featuring local acts, plus headliners, The Funk Hunters, from Vancouver.

It’s not all food, fun, games, and partying however. At 12 p.m. on Thursday September 4 the College will host a Sexual Health 101 session where students can learn important information about healthy relationships and sexuality. The college is partnering with Health and Social Services to launch a new Yukon College condom cover, created and designed by students last spring.

On Sunday September 7, Randall Tetlichi will lead students in a traditional sweat to promote healing and well-being. On Wednesday September 10, maintaining a healthy school/life balance is the topic of a second info session aimed at students’ wellbeing. Counselor Kathleen Campbell will lead a discussion with students at 12 p.m. in the Student Lounge.

More information about O-Week activities can be found at facebook.com/ or yukoncollege.yk.ca/oweek/.