College Grad Highlights Degree Programs

WHITEHORSE – 23 students crossing the stage this week at the Yukon College graduation ceremony will be receiving degrees in Education, Social Work, and Northern Environmental and Conservation Sciences.

The fact of the College offering degree programs alongside certificate, diploma, and trades, programs is still a surprise to many Yukoners.

“People I talk to don’t realise that it is possible to earn a bachelor degree through Yukon College without having to leave the territory,” said Dr. Karen Barnes, Yukon College President.

The degrees come from the University of Regina and University of Alberta through partnerships with the College, yet contain many courses that provide a Northern perspective on the subject matter.

“It is such an asset to be able to complete a social work degree in Yukon with a northern social work focus that provides a Yukon context for our studies,” said Charlene Burt, Bachelor of Social Work graduate. Burt moved to Yukon from Ontario in 2010 to take this specific program, and is now working as a Victim Services Worker, Department of Justice.

“The student/instructor ratio is so small there are a lot more opportunities for interactive learning, plus we get a lot of support from faculty advisors and instructors. I am honoured to have completed the program here through Yukon College,” said Sean McDougall, Bachelor of Education graduate and Carcross/Tagish First Nations citizen who will be applying for a Yukon teaching job this summer.

“I would not have my degree if the Northern Environmental and Conservation Sciences program was not accessible through the College. It is closely tied to everything I love in Yukon, and after receiving the support of my First Nation, I am now looking forward to giving back,” said Dawna Hope, Bachelor of Science graduate, and Na-Cho Nyak Dun First Nation citizen, who is a Regional Fish and Wildlife Technician with Yukon Environment.

203 students from over 50 degree, diploma, and certificate programs will cross the stage Friday May 16. Forty students will be graduating with honours. 

The day is split into two events. Students in Applied Arts programs will receive their credential at the 11:00 a.m. ceremony. Students in Applied Science and Management, Academic and Skill Development, Centre for Northern Innovation in Mining, and Yukon Native Language Centre programs will receive their credential at the 2:00 p.m. ceremony.

For more information about this years’ graduation ceremonies, including how to get tickets, go to