Government of Yukon supports Yukon College planning initiatives

WHITEHORSE—The Yukon government is expanding its Yukon College land reserve surrounding Ayamdigut campus. This will support a long term planning initiative by Yukon College to complete a campus master plan.

“Planning for the educational needs of Yukon students and the growing demand for skilled workers by Yukon industry are key to the long-term success of Yukon College and its work to meet the needs of students, partners, local businesses and governments,” Education Minister Elaine Taylor said.

The College has committed to completing the master plan within a five-year term.

“The college is outgrowing its physical space. With the newly-announced Centre for Northern Innovation in Mining, as well as the Yukon Research Centre and work of the Northern Institute for Social Justice, Yukon College has experienced tremendous growth in programming, research and community expectations in the past five years,” said Yukon College Board of Governors Chair Paul Flaherty.

The land reserve complements the City of Whitehorse Official Community Plan designation of this land being designated for public service.

“The City of Whitehorse supports this planning initiative for the Yukon College land reserve,” said Mayor Dan Curtis. “Future growth at the college offers great benefits for our community. The City looks forward to participating in the college’s planning process.”

“This is another expression of Yukon government’s support for the college’s future,” Energy, Mines and Resources Minister Scott Kent said. “The five-year term will ensure continuity and the time needed for this planning process.”

The college land use plan will be developed in partnership with the Yukon government, and in consultation with all relevant stakeholders.

“By identifying this reserve land, the college can confidently move forward with developing a land use and campus revitalization plan as identified in our current strategic plan,” added Flaherty.

For additional information on the Yukon College strategic plan, visit online at