Students receive financial awards at Yukon College Awards ceremony this week
WHITEHORSE – The financial challenge of obtaining an education will get a little easier for 38 students this week. They will receive bursary and scholarship awards tomorrow evening at the Yukon College Awards Ceremony.
The awards range from bursaries of $200 to a full year of tuition. Each year there is $152,300 available in financial assistance to full-time Yukon College students, $70,229 of which is administered directly by Yukon College. The annual event brings bursary donors together with the students who have earned them.
“It’s meaningful for students and donors to meet each other and for donors to hear how important their generosity is directly from the students who are receiving it,” said Bente Sorensen, Associate Registrar.
"I will finally be able to buy all of the required text books for my five courses," said Rae Mombourquette, a Business Administration student. “I made the decision to attend College rather late and missed other funding deadlines, so this is a big help.”
Mombourquette is receiving the Yukon Electrical Bursary of $500. Applicants for the award must provide examples of volunteer activities and being an ambassador for their community. Since joining the College in September, Mombourquette has established a Business Administration Club, a student group geared toward student-led study groups and creating a link between business and economic sectors of Yukon to students at Yukon College.
Andrew Smith will receive the Yukon Outfitters Association Award of $500. The Renewable Resources Management student said receiving the bursary is a confidence boost.
"It is great to receive their support. It’s good to know that the path I‘m taking towards a career in land management is relevant and important to other people too," said Smith.
The Yukon Outfitters Association (YOA) Award is made in memory of Peter Jensen, who passed away in 2010. With a career spanning 45 years, Jensen became the longest serving big game outfitter in North America, and is remembered best for his integrity and mentorship of younger outfitters.
“Pete, and his wife Sharon, represent a dedication to wildlife management and the outdoor lifestyle that we hold dear,” said Doug Burgis YOA Executive Director. “Through this award we hope to instill these values in students coming through the Renewable Resources Management program.”
“We need good leaders from this program to help provide future answers to challenging questions about resource management and stewardship of the land and wildlife in Yukon,” added Burgis.
The bursaries are made possible through generous donations by individuals, groups and companies directly to the College or through the Yukon College Endowment with the Yukon Foundation. The College entrance scholarship program awards one academic year of tuition to a maximum of two grade 12 students from each of Yukon’s graduating classes.
The Student Awards ceremony takes place in the Kinnikinnick Kaff at Yukon College at 5 p.m. on Thursday October 17 with a reception to follow.
For more information about financial assistance available to Yukon College students please visit