Registration opens for the 2013 All-Girls Science Club

WHITEHORSE – A virtual chat with Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques is one of the highlights for girls in grades 4-7 during the 2013 All-Girls Science Club. Registration opened today for the eight sessions that begin March 30th and run each Saturday morning at Yukon College (except holiday weekends) until June 8th.

This years’ theme is “the science of earth and space”. The club offers plenty of hands-on science experiments and fun activities, as well as visiting guests who will speak about their careers in science, engineering and technology.

“Research has shown that North American girls fall behind in science education not because of a lack of interest, but a lack of exposure,” said Lori LaRochelle, Science Adventures at Yukon College. “This program helps the girls to feel more capable and welcome in the world of science, technology, engineering and math.”

Fourteen-year-old Marika Kuiack participated in the program for three years and her mother is pleased with the results.

“Now in grade 8, Marika is excited and confident about science and sees it as her strongest subject. I have been so impressed and grateful that this program was here for my girl and so many other girls who I see excelling in science today,” said Marguerite Kuiack.

Funding for the 2013 All-Girls Science Club has been provided by Actua, City of Whitehorse, Yukon Women’s Directorate, West Coast Women in Engineering, Science and Technology, and the Yukon Research Centre at Yukon College.

The fee for the entire program is $64. There are 18 spaces available and registration is on a first-come-first-served basis. Registration forms are available at


Science Adventures (SA) engages students, teachers and the community in the exploration of science and technology. Activities include the Yukon/Stikine Regional Science Fair, the Annual Bridge Building Competition, Stay-A-Day at Yukon College, and the All-Girls Science Club. SA also provides support to teachers, volunteers and parents to promote the fun of science and technology to students through access to science speakers, resources, community connections, special events, and field trips.

Science Adventures is one of six key programs of the Yukon Research Centre (YRC) at Yukon College. The others are: Cold Climate Innovation, Technology Innovation, Northern Climate ExChange, Biodiversity Monitoring, and Resources and Sustainable Development in the Arctic. Core funding for the Yukon Research Centre is provided by Yukon Education and Yukon Economic Development.