Yukon College’s Report to the Community wins award

WHITEHORSE – Yukon College’s first ever Report to the Community has won a silver communications award from the North American Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE).

The 13 page report was created in 2012 to provide a brief snapshot of information about the College including special activities, new initiatives, guests, partners, as well as highlighting students, programs and staff.

“Articles in the Report to the Community are intended to show the reach of Yukon College, including international guests, partner highlights and  research work, as well as to highlight what we’re doing that is noteworthy and progressive,” said Jacqueline Bedard, director of College Relations.

“It’s an attractive communications tool that allows us to inform the community about some of highlights from the past year at Yukon College’s thirteen campuses.”

The CASE communication awards are designed to recognize institutional excellence in marketing and communications. Yukon College was competing with entries from colleges and universities across the western Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and the Yukon, Northwest and Nunavut Territories, as well as the Pacific Northwest states of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana.

Yukon College has just published a recent edition of the Report to the Community, which can be found at campuses across the Yukon and online at www.yukoncollege.yk.ca/rtc.


The Council for Advancement and Support of Education is a professional association serving educational institutions and the advancement professionals who work on their behalf in alumni relations, communications, development, marketing and allied areas.

For more information, contact:

Michael Vernon
Communications Coordinator
College Relations
Yukon College

Jacqueline Bedard
College Relations
Yukon College