Yukon College invites you to "Meet Our Amazing Faculty"

WHITEHORSE � Students and the general public are being invited to meet some of Yukon College�s �Amazing Faculty� in a new advertising campaign launched this week.

The campaign showcases seven instructors from across the wide range of programs and courses available at the college from carpentry, culinary arts and nursing to science, heritage and culture, academic development and community campus access.

�The key to every student�s success will always be the supportive, challenging relationship they each build with a knowledgeable, caring and passionate teacher,� said Bill Dushenko, vice president Academic at Yukon College.

�Through these seven examples we wanted to share the incredible passion for teaching, and for continued learning and research in their subject areas, that our entire faculty brings to their work.�

Victoria Castillo is one of the faculty featured in the campaign.

�I�ve experienced first-hand the difference a passionate teacher can make in a classroom,� said the instructor and coordinator of the Heritage & Culture certificate program.

�At school I was terrible at math, but my instructor at Langara College was so passionate about the subject she inspired the class to understand in ways we never had before. She did not leave anyone behind, and I completed three years of math in one semester. I endeavour to bring the same passion to my own teaching.�

Teri-Lee Isaac believes Castillo succeeds at this. A recent graduate of the Heritage & Culture program, Teri-Lee credits Castillo with inspiring her to stick with the program when she wanted to quit.

�Victoria had lots of encouraging words for me and inspired me to keep going,� said the 31-year-old manager of the Big Jonathan House Cultural Centre in Pelly Crossing.

�I wasn�t able to leave my community to go to school and so I attended the program through video-conferencing at the Pelly campus. Victoria made sure I was never left out of the discussions and teaching. She made it as comfortable as possible.�

Isaac is now continuing her education by studying for a Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Management at the University of Victoria.

The �Amazing Faculty� campaign is a series of ads and posters that feature images and quotes from each of the seven faculty members sharing about their specialty, how or why they became a teacher and what ignites their passion. By following a link to the college website people can find more information about each instructor and links to the courses they teach.

Dushenko said the campaign also highlights important work college faculty are involved in that benefit students and the community. These include Carpentry instructor, Don Gillies, building a partnership with Habitat for Humanity, Simone Rudge testing cold climate innovations with the Northern Greenhouse Research Project, and Gabriel Ellis fundraising for student trips.

The campaign will be seen across the territory in a number of places, including newspapers, schools, and Yukon College community campuses. They can also be found online at www.yukoncollege.yk.ca/meetourfaculty.


For more information, contact:
Kirsti Wallace
Acting Director
College Relations
Yukon College
867 456 8619