YC Creates New Position in Student Financial Aid
Students at Yukon College now have more assistance in accessing financial aid. A new staff position, Financial Aid Advisor, was created to communicate the opportunities and resources that are available to the student body.
Every year thousands of dollars go unclaimed for lack of student applications to available scholarships. Bente Sorensen, in her new position as Financial Aid Advisor hopes that she will be able to turn this trend around. Sorensen focuses on the development of donations, the accessibility to student applications, and the administration in distributing the funds. Sorensen is the central figure in the collaborative effort with the governments, the First Nations, the foundations, and the students.
"Our strategic direction is to build a strong community of learners," says Colleen Wirth, Director of Student Services, "This is one more step in providing accessibility for post-secondary education for Yukoners which is part of our outreach role for International Adult Education Week, March 1-7, 2010."
Recipients of the 2009 ACUNS (the Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies) awards presented their experiences to students at an information session held in January. The award recipients of the 2009 awards are found at
The students’ research is based on Northern communities and its development. A current running available amount of funds is on the Yukon College website at
At the moment there is $131,150.00 available.