Award Winning Staff and Faculty at Yukon College
Staff and faculty at Yukon College have recently received territorial and national awards. At the Commissioner’s New Year’s Levee on January 1, 2010, Jennifer Moorlag received the Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award and Bunne Palamar, was awarded the Yukon Commissioner’s Award for Public Volunteer Service. David Mossop was awarded the Gerry Couture Stewardship Award in December.
Jennifer Moorlag, Office Administration Instructor at Yukon College, received the Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award for her many years of volunteer work in the community. Her nomination stems from her significant contribution to empowering individuals to take leading roles within the volunteer organizations she works with, such as the Girl Guide organization. She has served fourteen years in many capacities within the Girl Guides of Canada, including the role of Territorial Commissioner.
The Commissioner’s Award for Public Volunteer Service recognizes significant volunteer contributions to Yukon organizations outside of the individual’s regular employment. Bunne Palamar, Coordinator/Instructor of Continuing Education, has made two decades of contributions toward youth and community members in sport. She has served as coach, chaperone, board member, coordinator, and facilitator for hockey, soccer, and golf.
The Gerry Couture Stewardship Award is for Yukon individuals who demonstrate outstanding personal dedication to natural resource conservation and management. Dave Mossop, Biology Instructor with a focus on northern natural history, mentors his students in long-term data base bird population research, and annual monitoring surveys. His dedicated efforts managed to remove the Peregrine Falcon off the endangered species list.
Yukon College students benefit from the experience gained through their instructors’ community dedication.