Yukon University Lecture Series

Earthquakes — Using natural seismicity to understand mountain-building in Yukon
Dr. Joel Cubley
Joel Cubley

Dr. Cubley is an Earth Sciences program instructor/coordinator at Yukon College. He has spent the past five years working with an international team of geologists and geophysicists using regional seismicity to better understand active deformation and mountain-building in the northern Canadian Cordillera.

Through the federally funded Mackenzie Mountains Project, collaborators installed earthquake monitoring equipment from Fraser, British Columbia to Great Bear Lake, NWT and used data from naturally occurring earthquakes to better understand current uplift of the Mackenzie Mountains and eastward transport of Yukon towards the Canadian Shield.

Joel’s talk will highlight seismology research in the North and some of the emerging ideas about crustal and mantle structure that influence the landscapes we see across Yukon.


Wednesday, January 29, 2020
A2206 (Lecture Hall)  |  Noon-1pm
Bring your lunch!

The Yukon University Lecture Series is an opportunity for instructors, researchers and students to share knowledge with the public in an informal setting.

Here is a recording of the lecture: