Dr. Kathryn (Katie) Aitken
B.A.A., B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD
Assistant Professor, Environmental and Conservation Sciences Program
School of Science
Field of expertise
- environmental science
- ecology
- animal behaviour
- conservation biology
- general biology
- ornithology
- wildlife ecology
Areas of interest
- bird biology
- ornithology
- community ecology
- population ecology
- disturbance ecology
- cavity-nesting birds and mammals
- resource selection
- habitat selection
- science communication

Dr. Ellorie McKnight
Outreach Climatologist
Climate Change Research
YukonU Research Centre
YukonU Research Centre
Field of expertise
- climate change
- limnology
- ecology
Areas of interest
- community-based research
- climate change policy
- climate change education
- northern hydrology

Field of expertise
- landscape ecology
- environmental science
- endangered species
- wildlife ecology
- conservation biology
- ecology
Areas of interest
- northern ecosystems
- northern resource management
- land-use planning
- environmental assessment
- cumulative effects
- wildlife conservation
- science-policy interface

Dr. Tara Stehelin
B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD
School of Science
Applied Science and Management
Applied Science and Management
Field of expertise
- general biology
- conservation biology
- ecology
- animal behaviour
- genetics
- ornithology
Areas of interest
- impacts of climate change on animals
- conservation biology
- cell biology
- ornithology
- animal behaviour
- migration and communication in birds
- genetics