Dr. Lisa Kanary
B.Sc., PhD
Assistant Professor, Business Administration
School of Business and Leadership
Field of expertise
- applied mathematics
- applied modelling
Areas of interest
- population modelling
- differential equations
- statistics

Dr. Sara McPhee-Knowles
Assistant Professor, Bachelor of Business Administration
School of Business and Leadership
Field of expertise
- public administration
- public policy
- applied modelling
Areas of interest
- public policy and public administration
- Canadian government
- business and government interaction
- economics

Dr. Michael Ross
P.Eng., B.A.Sc., M.Eng., PhD
Industrial Research Chair in Northern Energy Innovation
Northern Energy Innovation
YukonU Research Centre
YukonU Research Centre
Field of expertise
- electrical engineering
- applied modelling
Areas of interest
- power systems engineering
- renewable generation
- remote power systems
- smart grids
- microgrids
- energy storage
- demand-side management

Jaclyn Semple
Senior Instructor, Math and Physics
School of Science
Field of expertise
- physics
- mathematics
- applied modelling
Areas of interest
- computational condensed matter physics
- wildland fire science
- risk modelling
- astronomy
Dr. Benoit Turcotte
P.Eng., PhD
Senior Research Professional, Hydrology and Climate Change
Climate Change Research
YukonU Research Centre
YukonU Research Centre
Field of expertise
- river and river ice engineering
- hydrology
- applied modelling
Areas of interest
- flood risk mapping and assessment
- flood mitigation for communities and transportation infrastructure
- flood forecasting - open water and ice jams
- impact of climate change on hydrological processes
- river morphology and sediment transport assessments
- winter flow estimation
- hydrodynamic and river ice modelling for engineering design