Research Day

Research Day. March 24. Everyone welcome! For more info:, 867-334-6382. Join YukonU faculty, staff, and students as we celebrate Research!

Rapid Research Talks Morning Sessions: 9:00 - 11:30 – Room C1440 or by Zoom

9:00: Opening remarks

9:30: Dr Rebecca Major: Creating Brave and Safe Spaces for Indigenous, Black, and People of Colour (IBPOC) in Universities

9:45: Dr. Drew Lyness: Yukon, USA: Visual Claims & Cultural Confusion in the Mythological Klondike

10:00: Samantha Soo: Creating Safer Health Care through Caregiver Education: A Focus on Wellness, Resiliency, and Cultural Safety within Health Care Assistant Education

at Yukon University

10:15: Philip Sedore & Cyrielle Laurent: Eye in the sky: retrogressive thaw slump surveillance along the Alaska Highway

10:30: Break

10:45: Dr. Scott Gilbert & Stephen Biggin-Pound: Spruce, Students & Sustainability: Steve and Scott's Survey of Silviculture

11:00: MacKenzie Smith: Power System Impact Studies for Remote Communities

11:15: Dr. Liris Smith: Knowledge mobilization in patient-oriented health research


12 – 1 pm – IRIS5 Launch and free Pizza Lunch in the Pit – Zoom

Join Fabrice Calmels, Benoit Turcotte, and Guillaume Nielsen talk about their research finding published in ArcticNet’s latest Integrated Regional Impact Study 5.


Rapid Research Talks Afternoon Sessions: 1:30 - 3:30- Room C1440 or by Zoom

1:30: Dr. Anne Greenwood: Soundwalks at Wye Lake

1:45: Rachel Pugh: Berries are good; Yukon berries are great!

2:00: Kari Johnston, Kristeen McTavish, & Dr. Liris Smith: Community-Driven Health Research in the Yukon: Challenges, Lessons, and Future Pathways from the ATV Project

2:15: Dr. Andrew Roebuck: Nutrition, and Neurological Health: Impacts Across the Lifespan

2:30: Dr. Joel Cubley: Uranium distribution in the Whitehorse Copper Belt

2:45: Dr. Michelle Leach, Isabelle Schwarz, Cassandra Bangay, Julia Gyapay, Esther Ogunkanmbi, and Sienna Moody: Yukon Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research:

Learning through Lived Experience

3:00: Norma Kassi, Kayla Mintz, & Kristeen McTavish: Living Dashäw / Our Ancestor’s Wisdom: Yukon First Nations Health Research and the Development of a Yukon NEIHR

3:15: Frances Ross-Furlong: Revisioning Gwich'in Education: Collaborative educational research and practice in Old Crow, Yukon


4- 6 pm Research Social in the Kaff.

Come out celebrate the day, enjoy delicious food from the Kaff and a cash bar, and hear about a research partnership between Yukon Food Bank and YukonU Researcher Sara McPhee-Knowles

Ayamdigut Campus
Research and scholarly activity