Pierre Lacasse Bursary
Pierre Lacasse is a Senior Financial Planning Advisor and past member of the Yukon College Foundation Board. His family has firsthand experience with the barriers associated with learning challenges. He appreciates the opportunity to offer a $1,500 award in order to help reduce barriers for a student with learning challenges.
- Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
- Be registered at Yukon University
- The award is open to those who are on a reduced course load.
- Self-identify as a student with a permanent disability
- For the purpose of this award, a permanent disability is a permanent functional limitation which affects your ability to participate fully in post-secondary education.
- Write an essay (max. 250 words) describing an academic challenge you have experienced at Yukon University and your plan and/or experience in overcoming this challenge
- Indicate that you are a student with a permanent disability
Application deadline