Aron Senkpiel Award
The family of Aron Senkpiel has made this $1,000 award available in his memory.

Photo: Nancy McLeod, UP HERE Magazine, May/June 1988
Aron Senkpiel, a dean of Yukon College from 1982 to 1992, was passionate about the North and initiated the Northern Studies program. During his time, and largely due to his efforts, the territorial government awarded Yukon College with a one million dollar endowment fund to support northern and Yukon research. He also oversaw the development of the Renewable Resources Management program, the Bachelor of Social Work program, and Women's Studies. He also worked to introduce the Masters of Education and Masters of Public Administration in collaboration with Simon Fraser University and the University of Alaska Southeast respectively. Aron's vision of a 'higher education in the North, for the North, and by the North' is now a reality.

- Be a Canadian citizen
- Have attended a Yukon high school for at least one year
- Have completed at least one year of full-time studies at Yukon University immediately prior to this application
- Be registered full-time at Yukon University or an alternate post-secondary education institution in a program that is focused on the North and includes Northern content
- Write a letter stating your educational goal(s) and steps taken to achieve these goal(s)
- Demonstrate financial need