
Yukon University policies address broad issues that weave the values and aspirations of the institution, guiding the institution in its decision making. All approved policies and their procedures are found on this page.

Operational policies

Give direction to the operations, administration, functions, and affairs of the University and are of two categories: Administrative Operational (under authority of the President) and Board Operational (under authority of the Board of Governors).

Academic policies

Direct academic activities of the University and primarily affect the pedagogical and research activities, and student life.


Governance policies

Self-governance policies of the Board of Governors and Senate



BOG 1.0

Yukon University Board Responsibilities

The Board will focus on overall direction, policy and performance of the University, and delegate to the President the responsibility for management.
Downloads Revised
BOG 1.0 - Yukon University Board Responsibilities
BOG 2.0

Board Member Responsibilities

An effective Board of Governors is composed of dedicated, knowledgeable Board members. This policy outlines member responsibilities.
Downloads Revised
BOG 2.0 - Board Member Responsibilities
BOG 3.0

Yukon University President Responsibilities

The President is accountable to the Board. The Board instructs through written policies and delegates implementation to the President. The responsibilities of the President are to be consistent with the legislation, job description, and as outlined in Board Policy.
Downloads Revised
BOG 3.0 - Yukon University President Responsibilities
BOG 4.0

Board/Board Member Protocol

University Board members are expected to be representatives of the University and responsive to the needs of Yukoners.
Downloads Revised
BOG 4.0 - Board/Board Member Protocol
BOG 5.0

Code of Conduct

The Board of Governors commits itself and its members to the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct, in which their actions and behaviors uphold the principles of integrity, respect, and accountability.
Downloads Revised
BOG 5.0 - Code of Conduct policy
BOG 6.0

Yukon University President Reappointment

The Board of Governors is responsible for appointing and therefore reappointing the President and Vice-Chancellor. The Board will do so in a transparent and accountable manner as set out in this Policy.
Downloads Revised
BOG 6.0 - Yukon University President Reappointment
BOG 7.0

Monitoring President's Performance

The primary purpose of performance evaluation is to improve employee competence and effectiveness. Permalink
BOG 8.0

Monitoring Board Performance

The Board has a responsibility to hold itself accountable for the overall performance of its responsibilities and to evaluate its effectiveness.
In a positive, constructive environment Board members will provide information to the Board Chair for the purpose of identifying actions to improve individual Board member performance and to improve the performance of the Board. Permalink
BOG 10.0

Community Campus Committee Relationship

The board recognizes and respects the importance of the Community Campus Committees in assisting the board with community linkage. Permalink
BOG 14.0

Annual Planning Cycle

Outlines the procedures for the Board of Governors' annual planning.
Downloads Revised
BOG 14.0 - Annual Planning Cycle Policy
BOG 16.0

Board Relationship with Governing Councils

Yukon University is committed to the inclusion of community members and stakeholders in decisions relating to programming and research services.
Downloads Revised
BOG 16.0 - Board Relationship with Governing Councils
BOG 17.0

Board Member Selection Process

The Yukon University Act outlines the process of selecting members for the Yukon University Board. Where the Board has discretion over recruitment, it uses a strategic approach to ensure its composition addresses a range of skills and experiences.
Downloads Revised
BOG 17.0 - Board Member Selection Process
BOG 17.0 Addendum A - Board Skills Matrix
BOG 18.0

Service Recognition

Board Members who have resigned or whose terms of service have expired resulting in retirement shall be formally acknowledged for their service to the Board of Governors.
Downloads Revised
BOG 18.0 - Service Recognition Policy
BOG 21.0

Chancellor Selection

The University's Board of Governors is responsible for appointing a University Chancellor. Yukon University values the role of University Chancellor as a prominent representative of the institution and for the key role they play within the University’s governance. Permalink
BS 1.0

Board and Senate Relationship Policy

Yukon University recognizes the importance of a strong and effective relationship between the Board of Governors and the Senate. This policy outlines the principles, roles, and responsibilities governing the interaction and collaboration between the Board and the Senate to ensure transparent governance, academic integrity, and institutional success.
Downloads Revised
BS 1.0 - Board and Senate Relationship Policy

Board of Governors Bylaws