JUST CE132 - Beyond the Binary: The Evolution of Gender

Curious, hopeful and determined to support the folks in your life who identify as gender diverse? Or to just become a more informed and inclusive person? This webinar was designed to help educate and bring awareness to the every-evolving world of gender. What once operated as a binary system has significantly evolved. As a result, some folks might be feeling confused, concerned about misinformation and desiring more knowledge.

This webinar will provide insights and education around terminology; ways to be inclusive and respectful, as well as some workplace considerations.
And no matter what kind of an amazing human we are, mistakes are still going to happen. We’ll explore how to manage these blunders and also explore some common curiosities that you might have.

This webinar will be frequently evolving and changing in order to respond to continual feedback, updated terminology and on-going insights and learnings.

CRN Instructional method Instructor Location Start date Seats available*
90062 Online Synchronous Online/Video
Class schedule
Start date End date Room Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Classroom - Face to Face - - - 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM - - -